Implementing Flipped Classroom

Implementing Flipped Classroom Strategies for Improved Learning

Implementing Flipped Classroom

Flipped classroom is one of those models that has transform the education system by reversing the normal classroom structure. The flipped classroom however means that instead of the teacher teaching during class times and giving homework after, it is the opposite. The class begins with students using media content like videos, podcasts, or articles, found mostly at home.

After this, the chosen class time is spent on other forms of learning such as discussions and problems solving as well as other practices which enhance understanding. This has the effect of allowing the most of the time in class for learning activities which can be achieved through collaboration.

What is a Flipped Classroom and How it is implemented?

In its original form, the flipped classroom method employs technology to make teaching materials available to learners outside a conventional class. Instead of delivering lectures at the beginning of a topic, a teacher records a lesson and assigns a reading and then students come to class prepared with questions, discussions, etc.

Instead of being a more traditional style of teaching where the teacher is the information source, teachers in this learning approach are more like tutors and get the students to demonstrate what they have learned. This method makes learning process to be more student driven, where the students have more say in what they are taught.

Components of Flipped Classroom Model that Exercises Success

When planning to adopt the flipped classroom strategy some essential components have to be observed. In the case of this model, the goals should ideally be clear for all pre-class and in-class learning activities. Second, relevant, effective and easy to understand videos, reading assignments and exercises should be used in teaching and learning process.

Third, the teachers who use online discussions should establish the rules of student engagement inside the classroom. Last, and very importantly, constant evaluations and feedback should be avails to evaluate the performance of the students and their conformities to learning achievements.

Teacher’s Role in a Flipped Classroom: Facilitator vs. Lecturer

In a flipped classroom, the teacher is not only an ordinary teacher who is always at the front teaching the students but a mentor. In contrast to presenting content during lecture time, instructors facilitate as learners apply the ideas in projects and conversations.

The laid down roles of teachers entails guiding a learner through their misunderstandings to ensure every learner grasps what they are taught and also help them pursue further knowledge in the lesson. Teachers find it easy to shift from their conventional roles and this change is crucial for the success of this teaching approach.

Evaluation of Student Achievement in a FL Environment

Evaluation of students in a form of a flipped classroom becomes a bit challenging; it means that there is a need to use more formative assessment on students. It is easy for the teachers to assess students’ understanding through quizzes, among-group exercises, peer evaluations, and participation in class activities.

Further, self- assessment tools allow students to take control of their learning process and/or to discover if they need help in some areas. In the case of the continuous feedback, this makes sure that students are on the right track and in cases where, there are changes to be made, the teachers are always in a position do to so.

Best Practices for Creating Collaboration in a Flipped Classroom

Flipped classroom model involves convection of work which makes collaboration an important factor. Teachers can also plan and organize different sets of activities which would supplement the concept of team work including the strategies like group discussions, projects and peer teaching.

In this way, students learn material better and also built proper social and communication skills as well. Google Docs or Padlet are also other platforms that can also encourage collaborative work during real-time and even outside the classroom.

The Future of Education: The flipped model in the 21st century

The concept of the flipped classroom is to have a vital role in the future of education. And with the advancement in technology in place, there will be more resources and more development in creating nice learning environment. Incorporation with blended learning, where face to face and online methods are combined, their applicability in a flipped classroom is highlighted as students gain control of their learning in progressively flexible manners.

The UIG of the flipped classroom model will eventually be manifested more in the future of education.


Using techniques of flipped classroom is one of the best ways of transforming learning from conventional model, which is often dull, into a more exciting, comprehensive and efficient model.

In essence, flipped classrooms enhances learning by replacing the traditional teacher-centered delivery mode with an active student-centered approach to learning. It also affords individualised instruction; continues academic advancement, and resource acquisition in a way that is suitable to the student’s preference.


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